Whites Coinmaster Pro


Here’sa review of Whites Coinmaster metal detector. The article containsinformation about how many operating frequencies the device has, whatkind of coil it is equipped with, if the headphones are included intothe device package set, how long it can work using one battery set,etc.


  • 2 Review

White Coin Pro Metal Detector

What was thedevice designed for?

WhitesCoinmaster is a ground search metal detector of a beginner level.Coinmaster is quite a simple device – this simplicity andreliability make this model an affordable and efficient metaldetector.

If you’ve decided to start treasure hunting, you’ll need to buy your first metal detector. This is when you can take a closer look at Whites Coinmaster, since it is quite possible, that this is a device you are looking for.

At only 2.5 pounds, the Coinmaster is comfortable for all-day use with its included pair of 9-volt batteries, and the waterproof 9” Spider Coil is ready for beach exploration. Whites Coin Master Pro Highlights 5-Range Discrimination. Coinmaster Features. When it comes to the maximum depth of detecting metals, the Whites Coinmaster can go for as much as 8 inches, which is the average if compared to a lot of similar devices. It is also quite the lightweight metal detector at only 2.5 pounds, compared to other brands. Its weight is not too heavy but not too light.


At the beginning of 2010 Whites company introduced a new product line of microprocessor-controlled devices called CoinMaster (and Whites TreasureMaster). The device uses VLF technology with operating frequency 6.6 kHz, it has adjustable discrimination modes, automatic ground balance function, embedded «pinpoint» mode.

Whites CoinMastervs Whites CoinMaster Pro

The newproduct line consists of two metal detectors Whites CoinMaster andWhites CoinMaster Pro. So, what’s the difference between them?

Whites coinmaster pro

WhitesCoinMaster Pro except its standard function of sequentialdiscrimination «DISC» has a «SMART NOTCH» button, which allowsswitching on the discrimination at random and at any sequence.

StandardCoinmaster enables sequential adjustment of discrimination by, atfirst, switching off the 1stsegment, then the 2ndone and so on.

As forthe several tones of the device sound signals, which Pro devices has,but Coinmaster doesn’t. By default, this setting is off and it canbe turned on by pushing «TONE ID» button on the device display.

The manufacturer promises to introduce some changes in the electronic components of the metal detectors, which sounds very promising and reasonable. As for the other differences between the devices, they aren’t that significant if compared to the processor and firmware upgrade.

However, there is also difference between how the device operate. For example, it seems that having the same performance stability and precision, Pro demonstrates better ground balance and detects targets that are located deeper.

The shaft

Interms of design Whites Coinmaster is a rather simple device. Theshaft consists of two sections and s-shaped handle with an armrest.As usual, LCD and control unit are attached to this section.

Theshaft sections have standard fixation system, telescopic lengthadjustment and spring-loaded locking device for the adjustment holes.Slight looseness always appears in such a construction, but yet it ismore reliable and can serve without any trouble for a long time.

As forthe armrest, we should mention that it has no lining to make itsofter from inside, but it has a strap for additional fixation, andit can be adjusted to the user’s parameters.

Beforeassembling the metal detector, make sure that you thoroughly studythe device components.

Therearen’t many of them:

  • Asearchcoil;
  • Plasticbottom shaft;
  • sealingrubber and a screw to fixate the coil;
  • theupper shaft with a control unit and an armrest attached to it;
  • twobatteries.

The coil

Themetal detector is equipped with 9 inches mono coil that uses 8 kHzoperation frequency. It can be used for ground search and fortreasure hunting on shallow waters.

The headphones

On theback of the control unit there is a jack to connect the searchcoiland on the right side there is a 1/4″ headphones jack.

Sincethis metal detector model doesn’t have volume adjustment, you’llhave to use headphones which provide such a function. This will allowyou to set a convenient volume of the sound. You’ll have to buy theheadphones first, though.

The battery

Themetal detector uses two 9V batteries as a power supply. You can alsouse the identical battery accumulators, which significantly reducesthe amount of money you spend on the device.

Thebattery holder is handy to open and reliably fixates the batteries.


Only the searchcoil is a waterproof one and you can submerge it. However, the device has a rather thoughtful design – from a leak-free plug for headphones jack and to the proper location of the speaker on the bottom side of the control unit.

All these precautions will help you to avoid unnecessary troubles if you are caught by the rain somewhere in the field.

The control unit

The control unit of this metal detector has all the control buttons and all the electronic components in it.

Also, it has an LCD display, battery holder and besides the jack to connect the searchcoil it has a headphones jack as well.

There is a battery holder cap at the top of Whites Coinmaster control unit, and the speaker is located on its bottom side.

The metal detector interface is easy-to-use and readable. It consists of a large LCD display and touch sensitive buttons.

So, there are just four buttons you can use to control White’s Coinmaster.

  1. «onoff» – a button to turn the device on and off.
  2. «disc»– discrimination level (single step one).
  3. «sens»– sensitivity adjustment.
  4. «p/ppinpoint» the mode for precise target location identification.

While White’s Coinmaster Pro has two more buttons:

  1. «smartnoch» the mode of custom discrimination patterns.
  2. «toneid» activates 3 tone sound mode.

On topof the device interface you’ll see target prototypes, which arehighlighted by the cursor (an up arrow) when the target is detected.

Coinmasterdivides all metal objects into 8 categories.

Whendiscrimination mode is on, you’ll see a pictogram with a crossedspeaker on it, which means that this segment is excluded from thedetection range. In total, you can exclude the first fivediscrimination segments from the detection range. For example, ifunder the nail image you see a highlighted pictogram with a crossedspeaker on it, this means the metal detector will not provide signalsfor iron targets.

In thebottom left of the display there is a 5-segment detection depthscale. The more active segments you see, the father the metal objectis from the searchcoil.

If anempty battery pictogram is active and there is a sign LOW BATT, itmeans that it’s time to replace the batteries with new ones.

On theright, there is 8-segment indicator of the device sensitivity level.

Betweenthe scale «depth» and «sens» when «pinpoint» mode is on you’llsee the corresponding indicator active.


WhitesCoinmaster is quite simple in terms of adjustment. So, after you turnon the device, adjust the device sensitivity level by means of «sens»button. Set it 2-3 divisions below the maximum and in time, when youget used to how the device works, you can increase the sensitivitylevel.

To exclude unwanted metal objects from the detection range use «disc» button. Push the button and sequentially select targets that you’d like to exclude from the detection range.

At first, deactivate the first two segments and leave all the rest active to get used to how the device indicates some specific targets.

Onceyou find a target with a clear sound response and stable cursorposition, use «pinpoint» mode to define precise target location.You need this to make sure that you won’t damage the target whendigging it. Receiving constant sound response in Pinpoint mode meansthat the target is located exactly in the middle of the searchcoilinternal ring.

Ground balance

Thedevice doesn’t have ground balance function as well as a noisesuppression function, which is peculiar to all metal detectors ofbeginner level.

So, ifthere is some electric noise, you should decrease the devicesensitivity. Although, many sites post the information that thedevice has an automatic ground balance function, this isn’t so. Infact, it has a pre-set multi-purpose ground balance value whichdoesn’t change.


Discriminationscale has 8 segments for metals, i.e. it will divide all metaltargets into 8 groups. So, different groups of metals will appear inone segment (this is the case for most of metal detectors of beginnerlevel).

Whites Coinmaster Pro For Sale

Another thing peculiar to metal detectors for beginners – is that a large sized iron and corroded target the device will detect as a non-ferrous metal. And it really happens so.


But what Coinmaster metal detectors do really successfully, is that they clearly detect metals and they quite seldom confuse a large metal or corroded target with a non-ferrous target. Yes, such a confusion may happen, but much more seldom than when using other devices of this kind.

The most significant advantage of Coinmaster metal detector as well as all Whites metal detector models is the lowest level of false responses in comparison with other manufacturers. In other words, if the device produces a signal, it means that there is something under its coil (95%).

The device receives phantom signals, but essentially less often than metal detectors produced by other companies.


Anotheressential merit of the metal detector is that it has a Pinpointfunction. It helps to detect target location more precisely. In myopinion this function is useful for any detectorist.

Theonly design drawback is that you should push and hold the buttoncontinuously to make the function work.

Presence of Pinpoint function makes Coinmaster metal detector a device of higher level if compared to the ones without pinpoint function (ACE 200, GO-Find 60). However, it doesn’t change the device level from ‘beginner’ to ‘middle’ one.


  • High discrimination quality
  • Simple adjustment
  • Operation reliability
  • Off-line operation duration without changing batteries


  • The device standard set includes a mono coil, not DD one
  • One operating frequency
  • No backlight
  • Small range of additional coils that can be used
Whites coinmaster pro metal detector

Whites Coinmaster Pro Metal Detector


Withsuch a device you can start treasure hunting right after turning iton and it will do for various search conditions – beach hunting,fields or forests. Using this device, you spend more time onsearching process, than on wrestling with a question if you selectedall the settings correctly and whether one of them may lead tomissing some targets.

Old Whites Coinmaster Detector


Though,you shouldn’t expect significant detection depth from the device ofbeginner level. However, it can successfully compete with more famousand popular metal detector models of the same level.

Whites Coinmaster Manual

If speaking about the alternative devices, we can mention Fisher F22 or BHLRP.